
The 11th issue of the Vxm Magazine is a pretty special one. The Villa Cross Media (Vxm) project spans across multiple countries notable the UK and Belgium where a number of exchanges have taken place. I have been lucky enough to be included in a number of these, travelling to Belgium to visit awesome media projects and festivals over there. This magazine is a celebration of this exchange and collaboration. It is a series of interviews with young people and their lives, what they have already achieved and what they want to go on to achieve! i was asked to interview three people all in all which has created two interviews. The first is with rappers ZigSag and Intifada who set up their own recording space and record label Renday Vous to encourage an unsupported Belgian Hip Hop scene. The second is with Sander van Laere involved with Project Wolf radio and whose views on young people and his impact on others’ lives creates an image of humbling intellect. You can read them by following the link below! You will also discover an interview with myself conducted and written by our Belgian friends (Page 7).

Renday Vous (Page 6)

Let’s Make Radio – Sander van Laere (Page 11)

Let's Make Radio San van LaereRenday Vous Intifada and ZigZag

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